Currently, there are a very few programs in United States serving this purpose.

There are very few centers attempting to address post-ICU syndrome utilizing multidisciplinary team. Each of these programs is different with resource utilization

The Society of critical care medicine has been leading initiatives to address this aspect of healthcare, the annual Congress has a dedicated sessions on discussion and raising awareness of this unique set of problems. Through the Thrive collaborative(SCCM's initiate), Different models are being utilised as examples to deliver care/address post-ICU syndrome

Our program is very unique in its kind/purpose, as we have tried to utilize available resources upstream while the patient is still available in hospital.

The major needs include: Need for additional training to identify and address this unique set of problems, having a multidisciplinary team that can function effectively and economically at the same time

The next challenge is transitioning this care from an inpatient setting to the community setting, where the patient is challenged with real-life needs and a variety of minor problems including but not limited to coordinatiion of care between multiple disciplines, establishing seamless transition, ensuring adequate social support, and optimising resources necessary in the community setting

The high case-mix index, polypharmacy and limited physiologic reserves further complicate this process

The reason for this kind of service/program being so rare/scares/difficult to establish and maintain is because of the challenges in the current complicated system of medical practice

  1. Need for further training to address this high-risk patient population
  2. Need for multi-disciplinary input while patient is in hospital
  3. Challenges of establishing a seamless transition between inpatient care and outpatient followup
  4. Challenges in integrating a new program within already established busy programs especially when there is need for further training outside of the scope of physician team practice
  1. Provide training for young physicians and prepare them competent to establish and run successfully post-ICU translational care service
  2. Establish support groups that facilitate ICU survivors to share their experiences and enhance potential to fast and optimal recovery
  3. Incorporate nurse navigators in the post-ICU translational program
  4. Raise awareness in the primary care physician community on the prevalence of post-ICU syndrome and available resources to help affected individuals
  5. Design a system for Medicare/Medicaid patients/patients without insurance that simplifies healthcare delivery and affordable to all